Why can’t dogs live forever?? Alex was my child. I now have a human child and many times people said that my dog would eventually become the dog, but he did not. Alex (1992-2008) was found as a stray and lived his life as a transient young person because he was attached to my hip. Between my parents, lots of wonderful landlords and then a great husband Alex stayed with me as I transitioned from high school to college to young adulthood and finally into wife and parenthood. He was my buddy and learned to adapt to whatever life brought me. He was my true buddy and stood by my side no matter what. I loved my Alex more than I will ever love another dog, and he was part of my decision to start a rescue to help more homeless dogs like him. It was the hardest decision to let him go. I loved him and will always love him. He is and will always be my favorite dog in my heart and because of him, I will continue to love more dogs and save more dogs’ lives. I want him to be remembered as sweet, but stubborn, a hard headed guy that stood by me and allowed me to lean on him through thick and thin and loved me unconditionally along with anybody or any other dog that came into our lives. I will miss you Alex, more than I can ever say or express!!!!
Amy Dickerson